
I love guitars, and everything around them (amplifiers, pedals). I play the guitar mostly to relax at the end of a long day at work.


One of my passions is to make my own pedals. I have build many for myself and friends, choosing carefully components of good quality for the best sound, using projects I have found online. I talk about these projects in the Pedal Making page.

Leveraging my experience in software development, in the last few years I have then moved my workflow into Eagle first, and KiCad later, pushing my designs to incorporate microcontrollers and developing my PCB from scratch. I talk about these projects in the Pedal Development page.

My latest projects include:

I also own several pedals (way too many), but I have recently enjoyed playing with the pedals of my great friend at Kuro Custom Audio, who makes some incredibly beautiful pedal: check those out!


Between December 2006 and March 2007, I have built 3 Soldano SLO-100 clones (one of which I still own). It was a long work, but very rewarding, as I have told in several blog posts on these pages. I haven’t built any more amps since, but I am sure this is a chapter I haven’t closed for good.

I pair my 100W head with a Marshall 4×12 w/ Celestion V30, a combination I am very happy with.

However, I currently mostly play with a Mesa Boogie Mark 5:35 1×12 (still loud, but better for the life in the flat).


I currently own 6 guitars:


  1. Ok, decisamente approvata la tua pagina di…
    Apro e…..


    yo! bellissimi gusti 😉

  2. Ciao Davide volevo chiederti se gentilmente potevi inviarmi il layout di montaggio e qualsiasi documentazione in tuo possesso delle PCB sloclone perchè ho provato a cliccare sul link di slo clone forum che hai messo ( come consigli tu ad un altro visitatore della tua pagina ) ma sembra non sia più valido , io ho acquistato molti anni fa su Mercatino Musicale le due PCB parzialmente assemblate ma non ho nessuna documentazione ,ho sempre rimandato il progetto ma vorrei portarlo a termine . Grazie Ettore

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